We are moving ;)

Please join me, Shorty & LouLou at our new 'home':

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beware of Scam SMSes

Click to enlarge the pic
 I received this today:
Name: Unknown Sial_2
Number: +6289694947057
Tlong Isikan kredit Maxiz 30RM,ke number baru pa'cik 0128113697 pasal pa'cik ada mslah dekat balai POLICE.Lepas kredit masuk bru pa'cik call.
Time: 25/01/2011 14:32:26
Just last month I received quite a similar text:
Name: Unknown Sial_1
Number: +6285217242989
Ini Ayah tolong isikan topup mexis RM50 ke Nombo bru ayah 0178936809 Ayah lgi ada msalah kat blai plice. Lepas topup masuk bru ayah call.
Time: 20/12/2010 07:44:54

Of course, I am always very cautious and skeptical.  If anything happen to my father (touchwood!!!), most likely my sister or my brother would call or text me first.  I didn't reply to these texts (why want to waste my money???) but I am still keeping it because I have yet to log a complaint to MCMC (just in case they need a proof).

The things people do to make their lives easier and richer by cheating people...  Sometimes I wish they got contracted by incurable diseases so that whatever they had earned from such dishonest ways will not even able to heal them!

Read what the others said about such scam: here and here.