We are moving ;)

Please join me, Shorty & LouLou at our new 'home':

Thank you!

Monday, February 28, 2011

It was fun!

Blushing teacher by ▲ stupid creations™ (weheartit)
LOL!  Not exactly what I've told to a class of 8 students during my Day-1 of tutoring.  But rather sounds like a cinema reminder.  I asked them to turn their (more canggih than mine!) phones into silent mode; and that they must go out if they want to answer phone calls.

Ooh, I also asked the class to call me by my first name - without 'Miss' (calling me Teacher is a no!).  They got a bit uncomfortable with that, and I saw it.  But I just want to get away with all the formalities.  I want to be their study buddies rather than just somebody whom give homework, do the talking in the class, trying to explain what's what...  They will get use to it by...  2, 3 weeks?

After a rather impromptu session last week, I am better prepared this week.  It is only Monday but I got the teaching stuff ready by now!  The class is on Thursdays so I still have plenty of time to complete materials for the coming classes.

P.S.  No more time spend leisurely window shopping after work or watch late night shows.  The "free time" goes for reading the student literature and poem.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


It is very hot these days,
today especially.
33 degree Celsius and 59% humidity.
I wanted so much to go home
and get a shower!
Ooh yeah, when it getting hotter
I feel like I want to take off my bra.
Maybe I should use the nipple stickers!
I found these...
A plain simple one
to a funky bling bling
to a lacey one (albeit too granny-like for my liking!).

At 4:51pm - Suddenly the weather turns dark and windy!  OMG!!!  Please don't rain before I reach home!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Padan muka!

A very gory end for snatch thief

35 years old.  Not a blind or a disable person.  Kesian the snatch thief’s family member?  Maybe, because he could be someone’s son / husband / father.  But why would an able-bodied person choose to steal from others?  I could only curse these snatch thieves when they get away uncaught.  But when I read that they get killed, my oh my, I feel like as if I won a lifetime free, limitless supply of Starbucks!

Isn’t it frightening that one is not even safe at theirs own house compound nowadays?  Even with a companion, I always pay attention to my surrounding before I hop into or get out from my car.  I would never turn off my engine until my house gate is fully closed.  The reason is, I think (I think la hor…) I can crash into the intruder if they try to attack me.  I mean, I would be all panicky to turn on the car engine when I see them.  Or at least, I can hit my own wall and gate to get my neighbors’ attention.  Because I cannot open the window least they strangle me out from my car, right?  And, I don’t always go back at the same time everyday.  See, they might have checked your schedule before they launch an attack.  Creepy!!!  Needless to say, I am always highly suspicious of motorbikes passing in the housing area.

It is only Tuesday.  I want my Friday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wordy Friday

I cannot remember what I was searching at Dictionary.com today but somehow I was distracted with the question just below the search box:
What's the technical term for couples who call each other names like honey bunny?
Tada! It is called...
hypocorism [hahy-pok-uh-riz-uhm, hi-] – noun
  1. a pet name.
  2. the practice of using a pet name.
  3. the use of forms of speech imitative of baby talk, especially by an adult.
Bleghhh!  That is confusing me with hypocrite!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

.: life a s0rta Fa!rytale :.: lurve this;

.: life a s0rta Fa!rytale :.: lurve this;


thank you for such an uplifting words!
P.S.  Want an "F"?  I got it from Daily Drop Cap!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coal power plant, no more?

It a good news for Sabahans!

Sabah stops all bids for coal power plant

More news & chronology available at Green SURF.

I can't be anymore nerdy than this...  I searched for "coal power plant" just for my reading pleasure (rather than wasting 30 minutes chit-chatting) and found this:

Coal Fired Power Plant (Endress+Hauser)

Suddenly I feel like I'm in a classroom (reminiscing my days as a Chemical Engineering student)...

P.S.  30 minutes before I'm out of office!!!  So tired & the body needs alot of TLC...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I miss LouLou

I've been letting LouLou to sleep at the car porch for few days since last week.  It is not that I hate him.  Far from that notion.  It is just that he failed to return home after the curfew (a.k.a. my bedtime).  So I only see him before I go out to work.  Here are some stuff I searched this morning (about cat, obviously) because I sort of miss him.

Almost like LouLou's diary.  Almost.  Which makes me smile - so far none of my colleagues caught me smiling alone (at the computer screen!) so I'm safe for now.  I mean, at least none of them would think that I'm a crazy office mate.

Calvin and Hobbes
Hobbes is not exactly a cat.  But tiger & cat are family, aren't they?  Uhmmm... someone please teach me about animal kingdom.

“Every dog has his day - but the nights are reserved for the cats”
Yeah, our different sleeping patterns sometimes drives me cranky.  Can you believe that he wants to go out as early a 5a.m.?  =.=
Aha!  I'm very sure that this macho kid is in the learning process.  He would disappear for few days & come home sleeping for 24 hours without touching a single piece of biscuit in his bowl.  If you're away from home without food, you'll grab the food first before you rest, make sense, no?

Tested positive.  That evil cat!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Image taken from weheartit

I hate it when I open my blog only to see the fonts are not displayed accordingly!  I like Homemade Apple but I recently realized that it won't display the full title when I open it in Chrome - in my case, only the word My appeared!  Sometimes the page/gadgets were also not displaying the selected fonts whenever I use IE.  I have no problem when using Firefox tho'.

It's Monday.  Anything as silly as this small technical stuff makes me crazy!  Hug me, please!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love myself

Cute image only from we<3it

Good morning!  Selamat pagi!  Zao an!  Chow san!

It is just 10:15am but I am already into my 2nd mug of coffee!!!  So greedy!  & so unhealthy!  I drink more & more when idling time {gasp!!!}  Anyway, I am happy to wake up early at 08:30am this morning.  I have time to clean my room, put the dirty laundry into the washing machine, and even swept the dried leaves from the car porch.  I feel good; or perhaps because it is sunny now?  Nevertheless, I hope you have a great weekend!  Take care.

P.S.  If you're stress or sort of depressed because of the (way too commercialized) Valentine's Day, I say you don't have to feel so.  Not everyone is celebrating it - me including, because what's the point?  But that doesn't mean I dislike those celebrating it - people are free to choose, right?  Anyway, have fun reading what the others think about the VDay.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday's therapy

I'm so sinful!

My initial plan was to get Elizabeth Gilbert's Committed but I ended up with extras!
  1. As I mentioned before, it's sinful if I don't get it by now.  RM35.50 @Popular; but I got a 20% member discount so yeay!!!  Happy reading to myself!
  2. L'oreal Total Repair Night Essence - Leave In.  RM36.90 @Guardian.  To fix breakage, dryness, dullness, coarseness & split-ends.  Poor hair, I only get it for you now. 
  3. Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub.  RM16.88 @Guardian.  I love scrubbing my face everyday so a daily scrub sounds perfect!
  4. Scholl Foot & Nail Cream.  RM23.90 @Guardian.  I think my normal body lotion is not creamy.  Valid reason, eh?
  5. Nivea Hand Age Defying Q10 Plus.  RM14.09 @Guardian.  I'm afraid that my hand will age faster than my face if I don't pay attention.  I should learn to love my hands just as much as I love my face (and other parts of my anatomy, as the matter of fact!).
  6. Giordano Skinny Fit Jeans.  RM125.10 (after discount, that's it).  Why I need it?  Because the other pair is getting thinner (the fabric, yeah...).  Ooh yeah!  I need to send it to a tailor to make a minor alteration before I could actually wear it.
Sinful, sinful, sinful indulgence!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shampoo girl

I was a shampoo girl yesterday.  It was bright and sunny and I thought What a lovely day!  Okie, boys!  We'll wash the car & clean the porch first.  Then, we'll shower together!  Shorty is always cool with me taking his photos.  However, it is more difficult to shoot LouLou after his shower as he grunts, hating me for making him wet and cold.  That stupid smelly kitty!  Anyway, the freshly showered boy sneaked out from the house this morning while I was still in the bed.  Must be one of the boys who was not paying attention to this short-legged evil!  Luckily the neighbor's dogs made an alert to their human friend.  The joy of being out in the street was cut short for Shorty as he being escorted into the house.

The end.

Cheers!  It is Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things I like: Icy pink cupcakes

Image from ~Sweet Pricess Viemer ^^,

I am not a cupcake (or any other cakes, as a matter of fact) lover.
But I love to see the design!
It got me bursting in PINK!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Multipersonalities Kitty

To all cat lovers,

Cheers!  Monday is not that blues when I think of my LouLou.


Photo credits to rainbow kitsune

P.S.  My favorite one is Cat as Girl with a Pearl Earring.

P.P.S  The Mona Lisa pose!  Oh my!  Makes me giggling secretly behind my cubicle!

P.P.P.S  Visiting Jetoy makes me go crazy with the cat-sy stuff!!!

Stupid idea @work

Ditto. The white headlights (or in the more appropriate term, High Intensity Discharge Headlamps) is more annoying to me than TV monitors. For someone with really bad eyesight like me, the HID can causes temporary blindness.

I still see cars with HID; I am not sure whether it is legal one or not. I wonder, with these lawbreakers still driving freely, are the responsible department(s) still looking into it? Or, they finally gave up because it is so boring checking the same thing over and over again after many years of failure to make it clean.

Checking TV monitors is more fun eh?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Book Review: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Bought at MPH at RM35.60.  Original price was RM37.50; but since the book was already sort of pre-loved (must be the bookworms who read it inside the store), I asked the salesperson if I can get a discount.  So I got a "5% budget corner" discount (that is what printed in the receipt).  Still pricey but I don't think I can get it from the uncle selling second hand books at the street anytime soon.

* * * * *
Alright, I am way behind the others.  But I am glad that I bought this right before the Chinese New Year break.  I was inseparable with the book during the 4 days long weekend (I'm exaggerating!).

She wrote it into 3 separate big chapters with another small numbered chapters in each chapter:
  • ITALY Or 'Say It Like You Eat It.' Or Thirty-six Tales About the Pursuit of Pleasure
  • INDIA Or 'Congratulations to Meet You.' Or Thirty-six Tales About the Pursuit of Devotion
  • INDONESIA Or 'Even in My Underpants I Feel Different.' Or Thirty-six Tales About the Pursuit of Balance
But I think I read it too greedily.  But if I don't finish it now I'll be busy with work next week!  I was reading quite fast in ITALY; perhaps because all the pasta and gelato and pizza made me hungry, thus, need to get away from the chapter fast!  Seriously, the way she narrating her experience made me very eager to see the next thing.

But INDIA was tad boring one for me.  Perhaps the spiritual thing is not my favorite topic.  Ashram.  Yogi.  Richard from Texas.  Scrubbing the floor.  The poet from New Zealand (I can't remember!)...  None tingling my book-hunger bud.

Finally, INDONESIA.  Where she trustingly help a Balinese woman with a huge sum of money!  A woman who can heal a banana.   LOL!!!  You have to read it if you want to know what is this 'special' banana!    And of course Ketut Liyer.  He is a funny man to me.  Of course, how can I not mention Felipe, the Brazillian guy?!

I haven't watch the movie yet, not even the trailer, nor do I have intention to watch it.  Because I am always a book person; whatever translated into a movie always disappointing me i.e. Memoir of a Geisha, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Da Vinci Code, Angel & Demon...  Ooh, I can't say about HP or Hobbits because I didn't read any of it (help!  what were the titles???  I sort of loss memory here.)  Yes!  Lord of the Ring!
* * * * *

Side Dishes:
I stubbornly look for this original cover; not the other Julia Roberts cover!  As I mentioned above, the book was so loved by the previous readers that it wrinkled slightly, still, I took this one because it was the last one for that kind of cover.  Because I feel sure that I will read it again and again, I wrapped it nicely possible.  In fact, I have already put it into my working bag for tomorrow's reading.

I think I want to get 'Committed' soon!  The synopsis sounds delicious!

Checkout for her official website (I haven't go through it yet, shame!):

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hada Labo Face Wash Comparison: Arbutin Whitening vs. AHA/BHA

Hada Labo AHA/BHA Face Wash
Hada Labo Arbutin Whitening Face Wash
Note:  I have an oily, sensitive skin.

I've been using my first 50g tube of AHA/BHA cleanser before I tried the Arbutin Whitening (AW) one.  The thing is, I wasn't looking to whiten my skin when I picked the AW.  It's just that the 50g AHA/BHA wasn't available at the drugstore at the time of purchase (I like small package stuff); or else I won't ended up with it.

Is AW face wash works for me?  No.  On the 3rd day, I brokeout.  Big ones.  Plural.  Not delighting me, at all.  No-no.  I was using it both in the morning and at night.  I am very sure that the cleanser caused me the (emotional & physical) pains as nothing else changed in my routine during that time.  And I wasn't on my pre-menstrual days too. (I prone for breakouts before periods.)  So being a nerd, I firstly compared the ingredients.


  • Water, Butylene Glycol, Lauric Acid, Sorbitol, Methylparaben, Alanine, Arginine, Betaine, Glycine, Lysine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Gylcol Distearate,  Lauramide DEA, Lauramidopropyl Betaine, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Myristoyl Glutamate, PEG-20M, Propylparaben,  Sodium PCA, Glycolic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Stearic Acid.
Arbutin Whitening:
  • Water, Butylene Glycol, Lauric Acid, Sorbitol, Methylparaben, Arbutin, Cocamide DEA, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, PEG-40, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Lauroyl Glutamate, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Sodium Myristoyl Glutamate, Myristic Acid, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Wax, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Ampelopsis Grossedentata Extract, Angelica Archangelica Root Extract, Atractyloides Macrocephala Root Extract, Bletilla Striata Root Extract, Capsicum Frutescens Fruit Extract, Morus Alba Bark Extract, Paeonia Albiflora Root Extract, Poria Cocos Root Extract, Syringa Vulgaris (Lilac) Extract.
The two face wash share a few similar ingredients; with AW containing Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate (and other macam-macam extracts!).  Could it that I am allergic to Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate?  Because I tried to study about my other facial stuff (being a nerd, I told you so!) and came with the conclusion:
Sprinkled! cannot use anything containing Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate.  Or she might want to use it alternately with other non-Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate containing products.
Yeah, that's my self-imposed beauty rule.  I still don't dare to use it on alternating basis yet.  For the time being, I'm happy with my 2nd 50g tube of AHA/BHA face wash.  It does the cleaning job and doesn't give me extra pain!